Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Oh How Oh How Should I Ask Her To Prom?

Top 10 Creative Ways To Ask A Girl To Prom:

1.Invite Her in a YouTube Video
2. Slip it into a Fortune Cookie
3. Ask Her in a Foreign Language
4. Sneak it into a Batch of Cookies
5. Send Her a Bouquet of Flowers
6. Make Her a Mix CD
7. Issue a Fake Parking Ticket
8. Give Her a Stuffed Animal
9. Show up at Her Doorstep
10. Give Her a Scavenger Hunt

Starburst is Sweet and... Stylish?

Check out how this girl made her dress! Kelly Henriksen says “I picked Starburst because the wrappers are made of wax-covered paper,” she said. “It’s more sturdy, and the candy doesn’t stick as much.”

A Silent, Awkward Prom Table

"We went to prom last year with only one other couple. We didn't talk about anything the entire time. It was so awkward!"

Believe it or not,  I actually had an awkward prom table experience. When I was a sophomore, a senior asked me to his prom. I didn't really know him that well and I didn't want to feel awkward at prom, so I asked him to hangout a couple times before prom night came along. I wanted to feel more comfortable with the situation. Luckily, a few of my friends ended up sitting with us! I would definitely suggest to hangout with  your prom date a couple times. It eliminates the jitters! You can go out for pizza, bowling, or even have a movie night one Friday night. You will not only get to know them better, but it'll also give you the chance to talk about any details (money, transportation, site for pictures) before the big night. 

My Prom Date Has A Girlfriend Now

"This boy asked me to go with him to prom, but by the time prom rolled around, he had a girlfriend. His girlfriend kept trying to make me switch dates, which I wouldn't do it. When prom night finally came, every time I would dance with my date, his girlfriend would get mad at me."

This situation is sure no easy one! If this happens, I would try to consider finding a new date! I know it's hard and could potentially be last minute, but try seeing if a good friend will want to go with you or just go with a group of friends! I would definitely try avoiding this issue. Prom night should be full of memories and we want to stay away from the negative ones.

These are some pictures I want to share with you from the proms I've been to this far!

Group Dance at Prom

I think Columbia High School Class of 2012 should try this. What do you think?!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Copycat Dresses

"My freshman year, I showed up in my pretty sparkly purple dress only to find my date's friend wearing the exact same dress. We laughed it off, but it was less than magical." 

Every girl's fear at prom is that some other girl will show up in the same exact dress. How embarrassing right? To avoid this, I would steer clear from big department stores. When I go dress shopping, I drive all over the place to check out a variety of shops. You can even ask an employee if another girl bought the dress before you that goes to your school! They usually write down that kind of stuff. On the other hand, if you're an artsy type of gal, you can buy a dress but then make it your own. Try adding embellishments to make your dress YOU!